
Gynecomastia surgery for teenagers

Gynecomastia Surgery In Teenagers: Considering Risks And Benefits

Male breast growth is known as gynecomastia. Although it is frequently benign, it can cause significant embarrassment and emotional pain. Therefore, a thorough physical examination and a comprehensive medical history are needed to differentiate between pathological and normal developmental variations. Once the aetiology is known, the treatment is tailored to it. Pubertal gynecomastia typically goes away independently; therefore, monitoring and assurance are the foundations of therapy in most instances. Only in some circumstances are surgical and pharmaceutical interventions advised. If you are looking for gynecomastia doctors near me, The New You is a safe option. It has some of the best gynecomastia doctors in Hyderabad.  

Gynecomastia Problem

Risks Associated with Gynecomastia Surgery: 

The decision to undergo plastic surgery is very personal; you must choose whether the advantages will help you reach your goals and whether gynecomastia surgery’s dangers and probable side effects are tolerable. In addition, you will be required to sign consent paperwork to show that you know all the risks and potential consequences of the treatment. The male breast reduction cost in Hyderabad is about 50,000/- minimum. The New You uses advanced and safe methods to cut down the chances of risks and side effects.  

Among the hazards of gynecomastia surgery are the following: 

  • Anesthesia dangers 
  • Hemorrhage or hematoma 
  • Clots of blood 
  • Asymmetrical breasts 
  • Abnormalities in the breast’s form and contour 
  • Changes in the way your breasts or nipples feel could be temporary or persistent. 
  • Damage to deeper structures, such as blood vessels, nerves, muscles, and lungs, could be either transient or permanent. 
  • Problems related to cardiac, pulmonary, and deep vein thrombosis. 
  • Breast fat tissue may deteriorate or die, also called fat necrosis. 
  • Seroma is a collection of fluid. 
  • Infection 
  • Chronic discomfort 
  • Poorly healing wounds 
  • Potential for a revision procedure 
  • Negative scarring 


Benefits Of Gynecomastia Surgery: 

Surgery is the only way to remove the extra fat and glandular tissue in the chest of gynecomastia sufferers. Male breast reduction in Hyderabad is a great way to get rid of gynecomastia. Gynecomastia surgery for male breast reduction has a variety of outstanding advantages, such as: 

  1. It gives a shape to the chest. 
  1. Boosts confidence 
  1. Increases coordination in physical activities. 
  1. May protect from breast cancer. 
  1. Improves posture. 
  1. Reduces back pain. 


Gynecomastia In Teenagers: 

Being an adolescent is challenging. It’s difficult to manage raging hormones and quick changes in the body, let alone the high school social dynamics as you attempt to forge yourself while fitting in. Teenagers with gynecomastia or oversized male breasts may find adolescence particularly challenging. Your chest becomes less masculine just as you change into a man. This may cause self-consciousness and a long-lasting effect on how one perceives oneself. 

Variable hormone levels bring this on; many guys make too much estrogen throughout puberty, which results in some breast development. Usually, once hormones balance and puberty finish, the breasts flatten, but this doesn’t make it any less upsetting for the impacted kids. 

Should Teenagers Undergo Gynecomastia Surgery? 

You, your child, your pediatrician, and a skilled cosmetic surgeon should make a highly individual treatment decision. Since most boys experiencing gynecomastia outgrow the condition, male breast reduction is not usually required. Having said that, your child’s emotional and mental well-being is crucial. Early gynecomastia treatment may assist a boy in feeling better about his body, prevent social isolation through the difficult teen years, and have a stronger self-image as an adult. 

Things To Know About Gynecomastia Surgery In Teenagers: 

By weighing your alternatives and making a more informed decision, you and your child can be informed about male breast reduction surgery. If you’re considering this surgery, keep the following in mind: 

1. Consult your child’s pediatrician to rule out any conditions that can be treated without surgery before making an appointment 

For instance, losing weight will make Gynecomastia less noticeable if your child is substantially overweight. Before having surgery in this situation, get advice from a certified weight loss doctor. 

2. Make sure that you and your son have reasonable expectations. 

Male breast reduction will make your son’s chest look flatter and tighter, and it can even shrink his puffy nipples, but it won’t give him chiseled pecs unless those muscles are present under the extra breast tissue. A 27-year-olds “after” photos will appear significantly different from a 17-year-olds, so consider this when discussing before and after pictures with your son. Additionally, it’s critical to recognize that each patient is unique; even an excellent cosmetic surgeon cannot significantly alter a patient’s original body type. 

3. Typically, the operation is simple, and the recovery time is short. 

Male breast reduction is usually accomplished solely through liposuction. Patients often need 3 to 5 days off from school or work to heal, and they can resume non-contact sports and exercise after 2 to 3 weeks. Excisions of specific tissue and skin may be necessary in more severe cases, which prolongs the healing time. During your appointment, your plastic surgeon may provide you with a precise estimate of the scope of your procedure and the length of you breast surgery recovery. 

4. Patients must be responsible enough to comprehend their role in the procedure and recovery. 

For long-lasting results, adhering to your cosmetic surgeon’s recovery and aftercare guidelines is crucial. Patients must also be willing to take a significant hiatus from sports and roughhousing; as a result, many teenage patients choose to have gynecomastia procedures performed during breaks from school or between sports seasons. For example, resuming exercises after gynecomastia surgery must done under doctor’s advice only. 

Final Thoughts: 

Most young men first develop gynecomastia when they are still teenagers. Although the procedure may be advantageous for young males, the condition is typically resolved by when they reach adulthood. The greatest prospects for gynecomastia surgery are men who experience extreme problems like rubbing or blistering of the skin, lack confidence, or who have attempted less invasive therapies but failed. Gynecomastia may also be associated with hyperthyroidism, low testosterone, and various other medical conditions. Make sure to check with your primary care doctor to make sure you are not showing signs of any medical condition. Additionally, good candidates include people with realistic aspirations, good physical health, and a healthy weight. 

Frequently Asked Questions

Is gynecomastia surgery painful?

Male breast reduction surgery may result in some pain or discomfort during the healing process, but each patient will likely feel pain differently. Since the surgery is done under general anaesthesia, you won’t experience any discomfort.

What is gynecomastia surgery?

At any age, males who have gynecomastia have breasts that are unusually large or developed. Hormonal changes, inherited factors, obesity, or the usage of medications can all contribute to the disease.

What are the characteristics of gynecomastia?

The following traits of gynecomastia are typical:

  • Additional regional fat
  • Excessive glandular tissue development
  • There may occasionally be excess breast skin in one or both breasts.
Experience 20+ Years
Education and Training Fellowship in Aesthetic Surgery (Brazil & Newyork)
MS (General Surgery)
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