
Tummy Tuck Before and After Precautions – Follow the Aforesaid Steps

All about Tummy Tuck Before and After

Got excess abdominal fat? How have you tried to get rid of it? We know exercise and diet can get you closer to your goal of washboard abs, but does it help you reach there? Well, then what helps? A tummy tuck surgery, of course, is one of the best solutions to help you get those enviable flat abs! It helps get rid of the excess abdominal fat and skin too!

Tummy Tuck Before and After Precautions – Follow the Aforesaid Steps
Liposuction helps get rid of the fat deposits. Medical science has improved by leaps and bounds and when it comes to the health sector, the best technology is used to get optimal results. However, for tummy tuck procedures, there are some precautions that patients need to undertake to get the desired results.

Tummy Tuck Before and After Precautions – Follow the Aforesaid Steps

When you have decided that you will go for a tummy tuck surgery, what’s the first thing you should focus on? A reliable clinic of course! So, you would have to do a considerable amount of research and that would include talking to former patients of the clinic to find out what worked for them and what did not. You have to get all the details of the clinic and the surgeon; and after weighing all the options, you should go ahead with the tummy tuck procedure.

Before a tummy tuck surgery, you need to ensure that your weight does not change too much. Talk it out with your surgeon to find out all the do’s and don’ts of the surgery, the exact norms you are required to follow prior to the surgery and after the surgery. Also, if you suffer from a particular health condition, you need to discuss it out too with your surgeon to know whether your health condition is perfect for the surgery.

Prepare well for the surgery, so that when you come back home after it, you will have all your needs taken care of, such as loose-fitting clothes, ice packs and get some helping hands too, because for a few days at least you won’t be able to do much work, let alone strenuous work. A helping hand is so important to have during this time, especially when you have kids at home and lots of home chores to do.

Get someone to drive you back home after the surgery, you won’t be able to do that alone.

Expectations vs. results, there is many a parity between the two. But if you have realistic goals, there is less scope for disappointment. Don’t think you will come out of the operating room with a flat belly. It is going to take some time. Give it six months at least, before you start seeing the results you wanted to see.

Precautions to undertake after the surgery.

Precautions to Undertake After The SurgeryAs we said, results won’t be visible overnight. However, what you can do to initiate faster healing is take plenty of rest after the tummy tuck surgery. Don’t try to rush it up in your bid to get washboard abs. Listen to your body, if it is screaming for rest, try and rest it out. Also, a nutritious diet always helps in accelerating the recovery process. That means whole grains, fruits, and plenty of veggies. Also, it always helps when you stay hydrated, so lots and lots of water for you!

Take the prescribed drugs for pain relief, this will help you initiate a faster and more efficient recovery. Stay away from foods and beverages that may cause hurdles in the recovery process.

Take a break from work until the time your surgeon allows you to get back to work and attempt to do more strenuous work such as heavy lifting. Ease your way gently back to everyday work so that it does not cause any hindrance in your recovery path.

Keep your incision clean and do not expose it to the sun to avoid infection. Use of antibacterial soaps help in this regard, it keeps your incision area germ-free.

Once you go for tummy tuck surgery, try and get a clear idea of what to expect during the surgery and after the surgery. Follow all the above-mentioned points and initiate a quick recovery process for Tummy Tuck. If you follow all the norms to the T, you will recover much faster and get the desired results, exactly how you imagined them to be. So, get your tummy tuck surgery if you want, but do be mindful of the steps to be followed prior to the surgery and the steps to be followed post the surgery too.

Experience 20+ Years
Education and Training Fellowship in Aesthetic Surgery (Brazil & Newyork)
MS (General Surgery)
MCh (Plastic Surgery)

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