
Is Botox Safe

Is Botox Safe? Explore More

This is one of the questions that most people tend to ask. Botox is one of the procedures that can provide instant results and eliminate fine lines in a few sessions at least for a certain time period; also it is a safe treatment option You can get the complete information to know about botox right here.


There are millions of people who go for injectable treatment options every year and come out of the clinic looking much younger than their years.

What to know about Botox? Botox treatment in Hyderabad is one of the safest treatments and it is a non-surgical cosmetic treatment, and with its amazing benefits, millions of people are opting for injectable treatments each year to get the most of this treatment.

What is Botox? Is it safe?

What is “Botox” and let us discuss more about it here and find answers to the question “Are Botox injections safe? Or is Botox toxic to the body?

Botox is a brand of Botulinum toxin type A and is a protein extracted from the bacterium Clostridium Botulinum. This protein or toxin is better known as a neurotoxin and has a possibility that it impacts the nerve tissue, however, if it is administered at a therapeutic clinical dose and is considered a safe treatment. There are other types of brands that one may explore such as Azzalure and Dysport that boast great effectiveness. Your medical practitioner will choose the right treatment for you.

It is more about the medical practitioner and the type of clinic you choose for the treatment than the type of treatment itself. Botulinum toxin is a prescription medicine and one needs a prescription from a doctor or surgeon. Choose theNewyou which is the best cosmetic and plastic surgery in Hyderabad.

What is a good age to start getting Botox?

The right age to start Botox I mostly dependent on the skin color and your current lifestyle, how much sun you are exposed to. Most women go for the procedure starting from 35 onwards.

The Mechanisms of a Botox – the Side effects and Treatments

Botox – the Side effects and Treatments
Like with all the treatments, these are not completely without side effects, people with egg allergies must steer away from the same as the toxin is prepared from the egg albumen. Your medical history is evaluated to understand whether it is the right treatment for you under the right dermatologist and some of your food preferences that is whether you are a vegan. There are others who must steer away from this treatment; here are a few individuals who must give it a miss if they are toying with the idea of going for this Botox treatment.

  1. People with Nerve Conditions

It is a neurotoxin that is it enables the temporary blockage of the function of the nerve that impacts the muscles and sweat glands. Since it is heavily dependent on the nerve tissue and anyone suffering from motor neuron diseases or particularly poor nerve function or who has suffered Bells Palsy must stay away from Botox. Also, even if the full function has returned one cannot try this treatment.

  1. Droopy eyebrows

This is a dreaded side-effect that many may be wary of, it is the more ‘popular possible side effect’ and many patients are worried that they may end up with droopy eyebrows if they opt for Botox. Let’s put your doubts to rest when the eyebrow droops or actually falls much lower than the natural position it can only happen in very care cases when a higher dose of toxin is injected in the wrong area, an experienced practitioner may help you to avoid such a scenario. The second incidence is when an individual’s eyebrows drop as they are unable to raise them. In most of these cases, the eyebrows do not drop, but the actual skin in the eyelid gives a hooded appearance as it is loose and hence unable to raise the eyebrows. Go for an in-depth consultation to know all about skin laxity and determine whether immobilization of the muscle group will provide the requisite effect. Sometimes a client aims to reduce the wrinkles on the forehead with immediate effect and can endure the heavy feeling for a certain time period and get relief from it till the skin retains its former elasticity and helps reduce the wrinkles. However, there are other clients who have a different set of aesthetic goals, meaning they want to achieve an eyebrow raise without any heaviness. In such situations, the dosage is altered to cater to a specific look.

  1. The risk of bruising

Is Botox safe? There may be a risk of bruising with any type of injection. There is a maze of capillaries that may be affected by the needle, even when the injection needles are small. Bruising instances are actually small and are most easily covered by makeup.

  1. The infection risk

Most practitioners follow a strict cleaning protocol before carrying out the procedure. The disinfection protocols include hand washing and wearing the right disposable gloves. Treatments should be avoided on active skin infections as it may increase the chances of further infection.

  1. Avoid in specific cases

One must avoid treatment if one is pregnant or is breastfeeding. Although it is widely agreed that the neurotoxin may not pass the placental barrier, one must avoid the treatment to be on the safe side as in certain cases it can reach the breast milk, so one must avoid these type of treatment while being pregnant or breastfeeding.

The truth is that common medication may prove to be a greater health risk than Botulinum Toxin injections. Most of the cosmetic treatment options such as Botox and chemical peels can have negligible side effects if the procedure is carried out well. So if you are wondering what happens after a chemical peel or what happens after a Botox? Well, you get a much improved and youthful-looking skin just choose a trusted clinic, in fact, go for a highly recommended one which provides individualized treatment options and answers all your queries. Ensure you are offered a consultation first so that you can make the right decision as per your skin type and your current health condition.

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