
Liposuction is Considered As the Most Popular Surgery. Why

Liposuction is Considered as the Most Popular Surgery Why?

Liposuction- most popular surgery. Is that a fact? It certainly is, as more and more people are willing to go under the knife to lose the unsightly fat they find it so hard to lose even with the combination of diet and exercise. What is liposuction? It is the process of fat removal from the body via an instrument known as a cannula. In this process, thin hollow tubes with blunt tips are pushed right under the skin by making small incisions and are shoved to the targeted areas by the doctor. Fat from the areas is then suctioned through the cannulas with the help of a surgical syringe or suction pump. Before we delve to find the reasons for its popularity, let’s check out the different methods of liposuctions and a quick lowdown on everything you ever wanted to know about liposuction.

Liposuction is Considered As the Most Popular Surgery. Why

Different Methods of Liposuction – Liposuction Uses

Different Methods of LiposuctionNowadays, liposuction is mostly carried out by using local anesthesia coupled with a mild sedative during the surgery, and hence the complications have been drastically cut. The main methods of liposuction are as follows:

  • Tumescent liposuction: Before inserting the cannulas and administering anesthetic lotion to numb the targeted area for liposuction, another mixture of anesthetic is injected into the targeted area to help break down the fatty tissue faster.
  • Ultrasound-assisted liposuction: In ultrasound-assisted liposuction, a cannula with a probe is attached to it, which emits powerful ultrasound waves to break down and turn the fat into liquid, to make the process of liposuction easier. This technique is largely used to remove fat from the abdomen, waist, and flanks.
  • Laser-assisted liposuction: In this method, a low energy laser beam is passed beneath the surface of the skin and fat deposits, and liquefies the fat. The fat is afterward removed via cannula suction.
  • Liposuction is an outpatient procedure that no longer requires extensive hospital stays; a well-equipped doctor’s office, clinic or hospital will normally take between 1 to 2 hours at most to release the patient.

Liposuction can be performed on various body parts which have excess fat deposits that need to be removed. The cost of the liposuction is largely dependent on the area of the body needed to be treated. Liposuction can be performed on the following areas; chest, necks, chin, upper arms, abdomen, waistline, back, buttocks, calves, and inner knees.

Cost of Liposuction Surgery

The size of the treatment area and the amount of fat to be removed are important factors in depicting the actual cost of surgery. The cost of liposuction surgery in India is also largely dependent on the fee of your plastic surgeon. The more qualified and experienced a surgeon is, the more he/she is likely to charge. It means that you should not blindly choose a surgeon who will quote a low price, but look for an expert surgeon with an affordable fee.

Facility Cost

The cost of your liposuction surgery is also dependent on the cost of the clinic/hospital where the treatment procedure will be performed.


The kind of anesthesia required for the surgery also adds to the total liposuction cost.

Medical tests/Prescriptions

More factors that increase the liposuction treatment cost include the medical tests and medications pre-and post-surgery.

Top Reasons for its Popularity

The benefits of liposuction surgery are just too many. Losing fat from different parts of the body is not possible with diet and exercise, as they say, spot reducing is impossible. But hold on! Liposuction Surgery uses makes it possible! You can lose fat from various parts of the body.

Who are the ideal candidates for liposuction? Somebody who is closer to their ideal weight, but have pockets of fat they want to get rid of, say your tummy, thighs, flanks and so on. Sculpting and shaping with the scalpel! Yup, that’s right, that’s the solution for those unsightly pockets of fat that simply refuse to budge.  What does it do? Gives you a shapely body and new-found unmissable confidence!

 What is Liposuction? Reasons to Opt for Liposuction

What is Liposuction Reasons to Opt For LiposuctionWell, are you skeptical of the idea of going for invasive surgery? Well, you may be because of the conflicting information all over the web, also it always helps if you look for a reputed clinic and seek the unsolicited advice from best liposuction surgeon in Hyderabad or any other cities where you may be based. Find out top reasons for its unwavering popularity.

  1. Advancement in technology-Liposuction is now an advanced medical procedure, making great strides in the field thanks to the advanced research and technology.
  2. Surgeons can help you make a choice- Surgeons can now help you make a call on the surgery, providing you in-depth consultations to cater to your individualized needs.
  3. Experienced surgeons with varied knowledge of different procedures -There are a humongous number of liposuction procedures performed every year, which means plastic surgeons have had the opportunity to gain a great deal of experience in the field. So, it is no longer a procedure which has not been tried by a lot of people. There have been reported a number of surgery cases performed every year with an astounding success rate.
  4. You do not need general anesthesia- An invasive surgery can scare a lot of bravehearts out there, especially the thought of undergoing general anesthesia. But the good news is, things have changed now and how! Modern medical innovations have made it possible to undergo this surgery to go without general anesthetic. Sometimes intravenous sedation or a local anesthetic is used. However, the requirement of every individual is different and it largely depends on the health of the individual.
  5. Recovery times are very fast- The thought of staying put on the bed, recovering from major surgery may scare you. But modern surgery methods may help you get back to normal life sooner than you think.
  6. The results are fool-proof—Statistics show up great results. There are few chances of failure in modern liposuction surgeries and very little side-effects.
  7. A large number of people are opting for it- The fact that a large number of people are going for it just goes to show its success rate and that it is really a safe procedure.
  8. It is literally a ‘scarless procedure’- The impact of surgery is not at par with other major operations. You recover very quickly going back to your regular routine quickly. It is an outpatient procedure and the scars from liposuction are negligibly small and strategically placed so they are literally invisible.
  9. Advanced instruments in surgery – Power-assisted liposuction (PAL) helps surgeons help make cosmetically acceptable incisions that are really small, as small as 4 mm. The risk of complications is drastically reduced going as low as 0.07%.
  10. Use of blunt cannulas- Earlier the cannulas used in the liposuction surgery were sharp, and they affected the surrounding tissues of the incision area. The modern cannulas are blunt and the surgery does not cause trauma to the tissues and it is easier to heal from liposuction surgery.

Now that you know all about liposuction and the fact that it is a safe procedure, you can go for the surgery without harboring any doubts or misconceptions about the procedure. Here’s wishing you loads of luck on the upcoming procedure.

Experience 20+ Years
Education and Training Fellowship in Aesthetic Surgery (Brazil & Newyork)
MS (General Surgery)
MCh (Plastic Surgery)

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