
Skin Whitening Laser Treatment

Everything to know About Skin Whitening Laser Treatment

Pigmentation is a common skin disorder at the moment. Treatment of an open pore is also the largest problem which makes the texture of the skin unbalanced. The skin becomes dull and loses its glow because of tension, lack of physical exercise, and overwork. Poor maintenance routine of the skin, early eating habits, and less protection against UV rays can all lead towards an unbalanced skin tone. Laser whitening treatment of the skin is a completely safe procedure.

What is Skin Whitening?

Skin whitening decreases melanin to lighten your skin. Melanin controls your skin color. More melanin production in the body leads to darker skin tone. Melanin is produced by special cells named melanocytes. Their gene code regulates the amount of melanin on an individual’s skin. The amount of skin damage, sun exposure, and chemicals regulates the production of melanin.

Except for individuals who want their skin to whiten, particularly dark-skinned individuals, whitening of the skin is also practiced in an effort to eliminate the appearance of diseases like freckles, age spots, scars, moles, acne, and birthmarks. Individuals apply bleaching creams, fading creams, chemical peels, and laser treatment hoping to look whiter or lighter.

Such kinds of products have the effect of blocking the melanin-synthesis-required enzyme called tyrosinase, so that the levels of melanin in the skin decrease. The melanocytes are cells that yield melanin and are located below the epidermal layer in the skin. Different hyperpigmentation conditions have a tendency of being caused due to excess melanin pigment.

How Does Skin Whitening Laser Treatment Work?

While people are treated differently, from skin-lightening injections to other forms of skin-lightening products, the most popular procedure is still laser skin whitening. During black skin layer removal in laser skin whitening, strong light beams are placed inside the affected area. The energy-dense light, in the form of a spectrum of wavelengths, heats the skin and kills black marks. It is an effective open pores treatment.

Is Laser Skin Whitening Suitable?

Yes, laser skin whitening treatment is very safe. But, if it is carried out by experts. It is simple, quick, and effective process. The treatment is for eight to twelve sessions and is performed in thirty to forty minutes.

The treatment may also be administered on an OPD basis by dermatologists. A person can return to normal activities after completion of the treatment as it does not cause any pain. Laser treatment also requires aftercare with sunscreen and lotion as instructed by a doctor. Although skin laser whitening is not a permanent fix, but its result can be long-lasting.

How Long Does Laser Skin Whitening Last?

Results are long-lasting for several months to a few years. It depends on your skin type, sun exposure, and home care routine. Maintenance treatment can extend the results.

What is the Best Treatment for Permanent Skin Whitening?

Laser can lighten dark spots. But it won’t turn your skin completely white. The result is not permanent. Other options such as peels, injections, and microneedling can also be done. You need to look after your skin and apply sunscreen for more effective results.

Laser Skin Whitening Treatment Side Effects

Laser treatment can improve your skin. But it can also have side effects. The side effects depend on:

  • The type of laser used
  • Your skin type
  • The doctor’s skill

It is important to choose a good doctor and take care of your skin after treatment. 

Some common side effects can be:

How to Close Pores Permanently?

Large pores make your skin look coarse. How to close pores permanently? The best way is through laser treatments, chemical peels, and proper skin care. Facial wash daily, exfoliating, and protection against the sun reduce the visibility of pores.

Now, let’s look at how to close open pores on face:

How to Cure Fungal Acne?

Treatment of fungal acne is done by antifungals. If you want to cure acne fungus, then medicated creams can be applied. You should follow good hygiene, and excessive oily skin products should not be used.

What Does Excessive Sweating Reflect?

Sweating too much can be a sign of hyperhidrosis. You can treat it with:

How Much Laser Skin Whitening in Hyderabad Costs?

You can go for a permanent laser skin whitening in Hyderabad for Rs 5,000. To get a rough idea, you must ask a dermatologist if you are eligible for going for laser therapy or not and how much. 

Clinic location, dermatologist status, quality of results obtained, experience, proficiency, and miscellaneous factors like the availability of operation theaters and quality of lasers, etc., are all factors to consider to evaluate the cost. 


You should know the ins and outs of laser skin whitening treatment is performed for best results. Usually, the laser procedure is used to treat dark spots, open pores, and skin imperfections. The laser treatment leads to the better results. But, you should consider its cost and post-procedure process to get the best result.

The most critical details regarding laser whitening treatment are emphasized above. They comprise benefits, lasers, and common issues of the skin the treatment will enhance.

Only an experienced dermatologist can recommend you the best treatment according to your skin condition and type. In case you are planning this therapy, please consult an expert to make the right decision.


It is a procedure where laser light is used to reduce melanin. This makes your skin lighter.

The laser destroys melanin. Your body eliminates it naturally. This decreases dark spots.

Yes, if performed by a doctor. It is an effective and safe method to whiten skin.

The results last months or years. It depends on your sun protection and skincare.

Laser provides long-term results. Chemical peels and proper skincare are also helpful.

You can develop redness, swelling, or sensitivity. In a few cases, it can lead to scars or infection.

Experience 20+ Years
Education and Training Fellowship in Aesthetic Surgery (Brazil & Newyork)
MS (General Surgery)
MCh (Plastic Surgery)

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