
All about silicon impants

What is Silicone Implant & Its Usage in Breast Enlargement?

Breast augmentation surgery in Hyderabad or augmentation mammoplasty is a surgical procedure that completely transforms the way your breast looks and changes the size, shape, or fullness of the breast. There are a number of ways that breast implant procedures are carried out.

The surgeon inserts silicone, saline, or breast implants under the muscles or breast tissue. These implants can last for 7 to 12 years on an average.

Silicone is a polymer that warrants a wide range of uses in personal care products and surgical implants. It is available in liquid, gel, or rubber-like solid forms. Why is it used for breast implants? Know all about it here.

What are Breast Implants?

What are breast implants and how does it impact the size and shape of the breast? Breast implants can enhance the shape and size of the breast. It involves a process of inserting a medical prosthesis inside the breast giving it a pert shape and more volume. Different types of compounds such as silicon, saline make up breast implants. There are three different types of breast implants, they are the following,

Saline implants are made up of the sterile saline solution. It is filled inside an elastomer silicone shell. These implants are full of varying amounts of saline solution. This is what gives it the feel, firmness, and shape of the breast. The problem arises when the saline implant leaks, the solution is then either absorbed or your body eliminates the same naturally.

The silicone gel-filled implants have a silicone outer shell composed of silicone gel. If the silicone-filled implant starts leaking, the gel either stays in the shell or seeps right into the breast implant pocket. In some specific cases, the silicone-filled leaking implant may collapse.

All about Silicone Implants


All about silicon impants

What is silicone implants? Silicone is the most commonly used for breast implants for breast surgery. Breast implants are medical devices and they are implanted under the breast tissue or muscle of the chest to increase breast size or help in the reconstruction of the breast. Breast implants are either saline-filled or silicone gel-filled. The two types of implants have a silicone outer shell.

For patients who have undergone silicone gel-filled breast implants, it is recommended to obtain an MRI screening to detect silent rupture three years after implantation and hence every two years henceforward. What is a silent rupture? It is the leakage of silicone from the implant seeping into the tissue that found around the implant. How safe is breast augmentation surgery? A ruptured silicone breast implant can cause some serious side effects such as breast pain or cause changes in breast shape. So, it is important to use your doctor’s judgment to choose the right type of implants suitable for you in every which way.

Advantages of Silicone

Silicone is made of silicon, oxygen, and other elements, such as carbon and hydrogen. Silicone has many advantages such as the following,

1. It is stable at high temperature
2. It is resistant to aging
3. It is resistant to sunlight
4. It is resistant to moisture
5. It is resistant to extremes in temperature
Find out More about Incisions

The surgeon and patient must hold prolonged discussions before planning the right incision procedure,

1. The first Inframammary incision is made under the breast.
2. Next, there is transaxillary incision made right under the armpit.
3. The periareolar incision is made around the nipple.

There are a number of factors that decides the type of incision required for a patient’s anatomy such as the type of implant and so on.

How to Insert a Silicone Implant?

How to insert a silicon implant

Generally, there are two types of implants that are inserted in the pockets. Submuscular placement is placed under the pectoral muscle. Recovery for this procedure takes longer and there is more pain after the operation. There are other types of submammary, or subglandular, and the placement is done under the breast tissue, right above your pectoral muscle. The surgeon uses a technique of layered sutures or stitches in the breast tissue. The surgeon uses different types of stitches, skin adhesives, and the surgical tape is used to seal the incision. The incision takes time to heal.

5 Steps to Silicone-enhanced Breasts


If you are conscious about the way your bust line looks, schedule an appointment with the top surgeon in your vicinity today. Your doctor will ask all about your specific requirements regarding size and ask in details about your medical history and any current medications. You will be prescribed a list of routine blood tests and X-ray to evaluate your fitness for anesthesia.

Preoperative Evaluation

If you feel comfortable with the idea of undergoing surgery for silicone implants you can schedule a second appointment. This time your tests will be assessed along with the process of choosing the correct size for you.


You report at the hospital for the breast enlargement surgery. Before you get inside the operation room, the implant pocket will be demarcated. The operation is performed under general anesthesia and is pain-free.

Post -Surgery

After Breast enlargement surgery a bandage and bra are put on your chest. You can drink water post your surgery after 4 hours and nibble on some snacks afterward. You walk can walk back home and have a normal dinner in the evening.


You will require some assistance in the initial phase. Many women resume light work in a week’s time. By the end of one month usually, you will be ready and raring to resume all normal activities. Breasts look swollen in the beginning but usually settle down after 1-3 months.

Silicone implants are one of the most popular procedures among breast implants. They are the safest and most comfortable as they allow molding the shape of the mammary glands, as much as possible to the anatomical one.

In most cases, when choosing the implant, you should depend on the doctor’s opinion; he/she will help you come to the right decision considering all aspects as far as your health is concerned. Schedule an appointment today and make sure you choose the best to look good and to feel good!

Experience 20+ Years
Education and Training Fellowship in Aesthetic Surgery (Brazil & Newyork)
MS (General Surgery)
MCh (Plastic Surgery)

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